CSR commitment
At Buathier, we want to make sustainable development a major strategic focus.
Corporate Social Responsibility
At Buathier, we believe that the environmental protection and growth are complementary and necessary to be competitive. This policy and our commitment to social responsibility provide an overview of Buathier’s action within the company and for all of the interested parties. The formalization of this chart involve employees in a CSR approach. It sets out the main principles of sustainable development.
6 pillars
24 objectives
Adoption of professional ethics
Internally promote the challenges of sustainable development
Identify, anticipate, and manage risks (social, environmental, safety)
Favor participative relationships with employees, clients, suppliers, and subcontractors
Raise awareness among partners about sustainable development, disseminate an RSE procurement policy.
Integrate the dimension of quality of work life
Promote diversity and equal opportunities
Facilitate access to training
Promote career development, ensure job security, and professional advancement
Prevent health and safety risks
Promote eco-friendly practices aimed at saving and preserving resources (water, energy, paper)
Encourage environmentally friendly modes of transportation
Reduce and recycle waste
Promote dematerialization
Decrease our pollution and waste
Excellence in customer satisfaction research
Low-carbon offering
Contribute to local development
Implement actions for the integration of priority populations
Membership in local networks
Rely on all our employees for a continuous improvement approach
Achievement of key objectives (Quality / deadlines)
For example, on the environment pillar, we have opted for corporate life actions such as the implementation of best practices for saving electrical energy by switching-off substations, heat recovery from workshops to heat offices, reduced water consumption via a closed circuit for press cooling, LED lighting and a participative garden
We also have more impactful actions such as reducing our industrial waste and manufacturing our tools in France. In terms of working conditions, robotization initiatives have been realized to limit diseases Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), new office equipment, first-aid training for employees. We implemented a workplace well-being program (reorganization of workstations, offices, break rooms). To support our CSR strategy on the ground, we have appointed a CSR referent (Alexandre Facchin). We summarized our approach in a document display in our communication area. Since then, we have been managing our CSR action plan every month in association with our industrial performance meeting. Every month we discuss and propose workshops dedicated to 1 of our 6 pillars. We propose concretes actions and we appoint ambassadors to lead this actions. The membership and collective support of our employees enables us to implement this policy.
Global Compact France

SDGs related to Buathier's ambition
SDGs that Buathier contributes to in its approach
EgaPro 2022 Index
Gender Equality Index
Attentive to gender equality, Buathier publishes its annual Professional Equality Index.
The EgaPro indicator is a tool that enables companies to measure their level of professional equality between women and men in France.
This indicator was introduced by the Law for the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future in 2018.


We are certified by EcoVadis in 2024

This certification allows us to assess our environmental, social, and ethical impact according to the principles of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

We are certified ISO 9001 V2015

In other words, it is a certification that is specific to quality management system requirements.

We have been awarded the MORE label for the year 2023

This label, created the plastic fédération, is fully in line with our CSR approach, which aims to integrate sustainable development issues into our strategy.

We have been awarded the Origin’Ain label.
The Origin’Ain label as for vocation to embody the excellence of the Ain region and its entrepreneurs.